Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rebuilding the world, one iteration at a time

I haven't been happy with the shape of the worlds produced by Nyx, my voxel terrain engine. Previously, I had attempted to focus on more realistic terrain at geological scales. This didn't really work; the terrain was neither realistic, nor could the engine handle true geological scale while retaining high local detail, even with a 5 level octree. At the same time, I wanted to produce environments which could plausibly pass for something in a real video game.

Then I saw this image floating around - it's one of World of Warcraft's continents drawn from a massive distance. At this scale, you can get a pretty good sense of how the world is shaped; wide-open zones are bounded by sheer, impassable mountains, arranged in something like an irregular grid. I decided to use this concept as the basis for my new algorithm.

My terrain engine is based on this article from GPU Gems 3. As in their implementation, the shape of the world is determined by a density function which is evaluated in a pixel shader. All of the following code snippets are from this shader.

Step one was to create land: a large. flat plain. I already had some noise-based texturing code from my original algorithm which I left in place.

float height = 100.0f; // Slightly above "sea level", i.e. y=0
    output.density = -(pos.y - height);

Next, to produce mountains, I added a sine function:

float mountain = (1.0f + sin((pos.x / 1000.0f) + (pos.z / 1000.0f))) / 2.0f;
    float height = 100.0f + (mountain * 1000.0f);

The basic problem with a sine wave is there's no flat part to it. However, applying a power function to the result sharpens the mountains by flattening out the low parts:

float mountain = (1.0f + sin((pos.x / 4000.0f) + (pos.z / 1000.0f) + 
                                 (simplex_noise(pos2D / 5000.0f) * 5.0f))) 
                     / 2.0f;

This produces mountains moving along a single axis, but one of the observations I had about WoW is that its zones are roughly arranged in a grid. By adding a second mountain range based on sin(x-y) I get a grid effect:

float mountain1 = (1.0f + sin((pos.x / 2000.0f) + (pos.z / 2000.0f)))
                      / 2.0f;

    float mountain2 = (1.0f + sin((pos.x / 2000.0f) - (pos.z / 2000.0f)))
                      / 2.0f;

    mountain1 = pow(mountain1, 5.0f);
    mountain2 = pow(mountain2, 5.0f);
    float height = 100.0f + (mountain1 * 2000.0f) + (mountain2 * 2000.0f);

Now that I have the basic shape of the mountains specified, I can add a noise term to make them irregular:

float mountainTerm1 = (pos.x / 4000.0f) + (pos.z / 4000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 9000.0f) * 5.0f;
    float mountain1 = pow((1.0f + sin(mountainTerm1)) / 2.0f, 5.0f);

    float mountainTerm2 = (pos.x / 4000.0f) + (pos.z / 4000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 7000.0f) * 5.0f;
    float mountain2 = pow((1.0f + sin(mountainTerm2)) / 2.0f, 5.0f);

    float height = 100.0f + (mountain1 * 1000.0f) + (mountain2 * 1000.0f);

Much better. However, because the basic shape was a closed grid, even after applying noise the resulting zones are completely closed off from one another. To counteract this, I'll add another factor, again based on a sine function, which will have the effect of canceling out mountains:

float mountainTerm1 = (pos.x / 4000.0f) + (pos.z / 4000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 6000.0f) * 3.0f;
    float mountain1 = pow((1.0f + sin(mountainTerm1)) / 2.0f, 5.0f);

    float mountainTerm2 = (pos.x / 4000.0f) - (pos.z / 4000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 6000.0f) * 3.0f;
    float mountain2 = pow((1.0f + sin(mountainTerm2)) / 2.0f, 5.0f);

    float canyonTerm = (pos.x / 2000.0f) - (pos.z / 2000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 4000.0f) * 3.0f;
    float canyon = 1.0f - pow((1.0f + sin(canyonTerm)) / 2.0f, 2.0f);

    float height = 100.0f + (mountain1 * canyon * 1000.0f) + (mountain2 * canyon * 1000.0f);

The mountain ranges are starting to look pretty good. There are clearly identifiable zones bounded by sheer walls, with passes between them allowing travel between zones. It's time to add some more detail - one of the isuses with working at this perspective is that without much low-level noise, it's impossible to perceive scale. By passing the density value through a sign filter, we can achieve what I like to call the "Minecraft effect":

output.density = sign(output.density);

With this filter in place, individual voxels can be visualized. This makes it much easier to perceive the finer effects of modifying the density function. The next step is to add some rivers - these will essentially be cuts into the ground, yet again based on a sine function to get a nice curving effect. I also added a "feature term", responsible for low-impact, medium-scale features within the open areas.

float riverTerm = (pos.x / 3000.0f) + (pos.z / 3000.0f) + simplex_noise(pos2D / 7000.0f) * 5.0f;
    float river = pow((1.0f + sin(riverTerm)) / 2.0f, 9.0f);

    float height = 100.0f + (mountain1 * valley * 1000.0f) + (mountain2 * valley * 1000.0f) - (river * 50.0f);

At this point I was pretty satisfied with the high level shape of the world, so my next task was to add some detail. I turned the sign filter back off. I also made a quick modification to the material function so that mountains would be textured differently from the grassy plains:

float dirt = saturate((mountain1 + mountain2) * 2.0f);
    float grass = 1.0f - dirt;

(Note: after this point, there won't be any more code snippets, as I did a lot of minor tweaking in between iterations.) The next step was to add some low-level noise, multiplied against the mountain factors so that the grasslands would not be affected:
The reason this looks bad is that there's only a single octave of noise; the human eye immediately perceives the frequency of the detail as unnatural. Adding a few more octaves of noise largely fixes this problem:

Although I haven't yet implemented water, by lowering the height arbitrarily selected as "sea level" I was able to cause low terrain to clip through the bottom of the domain of the marching cubes function; with the skybox being a greyish blue, this made for a decent interim water.

At this point I was very happy with the land, but I wanted continental features. This was simply a matter of sampling noise at an extremely low frequency, however the result was a lot of mountains poking up through what should have been deep ocean. I got around this by using the ocean term as a multiplier with the mountain terms, so that mountains fall off in the ocean:
Also visible in the above picture is the sand textures. Because I have function terms corresponding to geographical features such as "mountain", "river", "ocean", it's trivial to assign textures to match these regions. Oceans are sandy, while rivers are muddy.
Here's what the end result looks like. Although it's not nearly as regular as the human-design continents of Warcraft, it's much closer than what I started with. I'm definitely happy with the results overall.

As a side note: when compiled, the pixel shader for the world generator uses 2706 instruction slots. I'm kind of amazed that my GPU doesn't choke on it, but I haven't noticed any slowdowns. The voxel generation pipeline is limited to processing a maximum of four nodes per frame in any case, which keeps the frame rate consistent at around 120 near sea level and 60 at maximum elevation, with a delta of roughly 20 FPS when nodes are being generated.

1 comment:

  1. hello, it's 2016. And I am just now stumbling across this excellent post. . Have you been able to finish this project of yours. I'm currently looking for a script Or some kind of mathematical formula that will be able to generate randomly seeded terrain.
